3 adjustable Biceps Isolation Exercises using only bodyweight training
Bodyweight biceps isolation exercises
Ever wondered about bodyweight biceps exercises? In this short bodyweight strength tutorial I take you through 3 ways of isolating your biceps using only your bodyweight as resistance (at least as close to isolating as you get with bodyweight training). All of the exercises is adjustable to any level and can be performed using a bar or a set of training straps or gymnastic rings.
Check out the video description of the 3 bodyweight biceps exercises.
Bodyweight biceps exercise 1: biceps rows
As opposed to a regular bodyweight row, in this variation you need to pull elbows to roof and neck to bar. Hips should be straight at all times.
The biceps row becomes more difficult thge higher your feet are. You can basically progress will this untill you are inverted, making it similar to the first part of a reverse/inverted muscle-up.
the first bodyweight biceps exercise - the biceps rows
Check the clip out to see some different ways of doing the bicep row :)
Bodyweight biceps exercise 2: leg assisted hefesto
The leg assisted hefesto is an intense bodyweight biveps exercise that is also hard on your tendons, so be careful not to overdo this one. This exercise hits the biceps differently than the bodyweight biceps row.
If you use straps, TRX, slings, or gymnastics rings, it is much easier to adjust the difficulty as you can simply walk forwards to make it easier. this makes it very convenient to drop-set for a sick biceps pump as well, if hypertrophy is your focus.
hereโs a clip showing how to do the hefesto
In a similar manner, this bodyweight exercise becomes more difficult the higher your feet are. When feet are as high as the bar, itโs time to switch to the band assisted hefesto variation.
NOTE: The first exercise - bodyweight biceps rows is much nicer on your tendons, so consider using this if you feel the pressure gets too high and to change between the two exercises if you want a high volume biceps training programme.
The second bodyweight biceps exercise - leg assisted hefesto
Bodyweight biceps exercise 3: band assisted hefesto
This exercise is not only a great bodyweight biceps exercise, but also the a very good way of training fro the hefesto. The exercise is easily adjusted by using a thicker rubber band.
You wrap the band around your waist while sitting on top of the bar, then grab the bar in a supinated grip with the band in between your hands and the bar. then you lower yourself down and perform a bicep curl like motion behind your back, straightening your arms completely and then curling your hips up to the bar again.
This clip is helpful if youโd like to see how to use a band to perform the hefesto. Using a band can decrease the difficulty of the movement. Using a relatively thicker band will make it easier, while a thinner band will make the movement more difficult.
You can also do this on gymnastics rings, TRX, slings, or straps - in which case you start by grabbing the grips with band between hands and grip and then lay onto the band so it tightens over the front side of your hips.
As with the second bodyweight biceps exercise shown in this tutorial, you need to be careful with over training this particular exercise due to its high pressure on elbow tendons.
NOTE: The first exercise - bodyweight biceps rows is much nicer on your tendons, so consider using this if you feel the pressure gets too high and to change between the two exercises if you want a high volume biceps training programme.
The third bodyweight biceps exercise - the band assisted hefesto
Other bodyweight biceps exercises
Compound bodyweight moves such as the pull-up, chin-up and bodyweight rows are also great alternatives for bodyweight biceps exercises. With the specific bodyweight exercises for biceps isolation presented in this video however, you can add some more volume into your training if you want to either develop strength for moves such as the hefesto, or inverted/reverse muscle-up (elevator). Or if you just want to pack on some more space around your arms. Bodyweight exercises can be used for hypertrophy too (to build muscle).
Bodyweight strength and hypertrophy programs
If youโre already investing the time to read this, you are serious about improving your strength, fitness, and calisthenics skills. But reading is one thing, taking action is another. Check my app here and choose a program that suits your interests or goals, and truly start improving now!
DIY Gymnastic training rings
Make your own set of super functional training straps similar to gymnastic rings (almost) for free:
Make your own gymnastic/training rings (training straps). Home made gymnastic rings.