Handstand guide for Complete Beginners - 3 steps
Anyone can learn to handstand! Learning a handstand from scratch and becoming comfortable upside down by conditioning your fear of falling from a handstand; building up to the required strength; and developing awareness of your body in terms of your spine, your pelvis, your legs, and your overall stability - these are the foundational building blocks to getting started on your handstand.
One Arm Handstand - Drills and Progressions when starting out
In this beginners guide to one arm handstands we dive into some super practical and immediately applicable drills and progressions to incorporate into your One Arm Handstand training. We go over a full list of entry drills - that is, drills that work on our shift from two hands to one - and then we move on to freestanding hold drills. Throughout the piece you’ll also find super handy tips that will help you on your one arm handstand journey. By the end of the post, I’m confident you’ll walk away with at least a few things that will help you reach the OAHS.
3 Shoulder Positions for Efficient Handstands
A handstand isn’t JUST about balancing on your hands. You need the proper head and hand positioning, shoulder positioning, hip and spine positioning, and more. In this article we cover shoulder positioning. Proper shoulder positioning will greatly help your handstand become more efficient and effective. Here we cover the three form cues that are crucial for proper shoulder positioning: shoulder elevation, shoulder flexion, and internal rotation.
Hip and Spine Positioning for a Straight Handstand - Handstand form 102
In this final piece to the handstand puzzle, we will go over how to achieve the correct hip and spine positioning to get your handstand form to perfection. The reason I’ve put hip and spine positioning together is because you can’t really work on one while ignoring the other, especially when upside-down in a handstand. Once you've got this and the previously-covered form cues down, you are ready to put together a perfect handstand.
Prevent under balancing (falling backwards) your handstand!
We’ve already gone over how to use your fingers to avoid falling forwards over your hands. In this short but juicy article, I will teach you how to use your hand heels and avoid falling backwards/under balance. I will share the form cues you need to think about to make correcting your balance more efficient, and some practicable exercises to improve your balance while in the handstand.
How to do a Handstand? Learn How to Use Your Hands!!
One of the most important things when you learn to handstand is learning to really use your hands to balance! In particular, you must learn to push in with your fingers to adjust your body one way, and push in with your hand heels to adjust your body the other way. In this article I give you drills which help specifically train your ability to use your hands to balance. I truly believe that these drills in particular may produce your biggest leap in progress learning the handstand.