The Most Important Acrobatic Skills - Learn Acrobatics From Scratch!
Backflips, helicopteros, 540s, corkscrews: all amazing moves, but where the heck does one start if they want to do one? It all starts with knowing the foundations: jumping, rolling, twisting, and more. In this article I lay out all the skills you need to learn and give you a bunch of progressions to to work on, so that you can set your acrobatics journey in motion.
One Arm Handstand - Drills and Progressions when starting out
In this beginners guide to one arm handstands we dive into some super practical and immediately applicable drills and progressions to incorporate into your One Arm Handstand training. We go over a full list of entry drills - that is, drills that work on our shift from two hands to one - and then we move on to freestanding hold drills. Throughout the piece you’ll also find super handy tips that will help you on your one arm handstand journey. By the end of the post, I’m confident you’ll walk away with at least a few things that will help you reach the OAHS.
Human Flag Progressions - Beginner to Advanced Progressions
This is a straightforward path you can take to learn the human flag. In it you will find all of the human flag progressions you need, from beginner to advanced, that you need to learn on your human flag journey.
How to Backflip - WITHOUT a gym!
Whether you’re 10 years old or 35 years old, there’s a good chance that if you see someone doing a backflip, you think to yourself, “I wanna be able to do that”. In this tutorial, myself and Theo are going to go over everyyyyything you need to learn to backflip, so that you can finally make your childhood backflip dreams come true.
Muscle-Up in 3 steps - How to do the Slow Muscle-Up
In this tutorial I will go over how to do the slow muscle up , using a false grip.. We will attack the muscle-up by breaking it down into three parts: the pull, the push, and the transition. As well, I will go over tips on how to avoid injury while training for the muscle-up, how to use a so-called “false grip”, how to use bands to aid in your progress, and specifically what exercises to train and how to do them.
4 uncommon planche strategies & the best planche progression
This tutorial will NOT tell you to simply work through those same 4-5 planche progressions that many other tutorials do. Here we talk about how to create half-steps BETWEEN planche progressions and introduce planche training from different angles. We also discuss some specific exercises for building the necessary core strength to perform the planche.
How to do One Arm Pull-Up - The King of Calisthenics pull strength
In this guide to achieving the One Arm Pull Up, I’ll be going over tips for injury prevention, different methods for training the One arm pull-up (OAPU), the stepwise progressions I recommend you follow, and exercises to help build relevant strength for the One Arm Pull Up, or chin-up.
How to Hollowback - Take your handstand to the next level!
In this guide we take on the Hollow Back, and attack it from three angles. Those are: strength, mobility, and technique/balance. As well, I’ll give you the specific progressions to work through, practical directions on form, and more.
Can't learn the front lever? - Try these uncommon progressions!
The Front Lever is a great bodyweight exercise for back. But too many tutorials out there tell you only the 5-6 basic front lever progressions you should go through in order to perform the full front lever. The problem is, the jump in difficulty between each of the main front lever progressions is WAY TOO BIG. In this article I give you a strategy for breaking those front lever progressions down into bite sized pieces. I will also talk about why the front lever is more difficult for some people, but regardless if it takes you 1 year, or 10, it will still provide a great bodyweight exercise for back and core strength.
The Weird Yoga Calisthenics Move That Went Viral - Inverted Locust Press to Hollow Back
The story of how watching a movie as a teenager evolved into creating a weird skill that people doubted was legit when it was posted to social media. one part of the skill is based in an actual yoga move which is called the Inverted Locust Press, but the rest is an improvisation of sorts that came to be from combining moves like the hollow back and planche. Read more to see what the hell I’m talking about :)